Year 6
Welcome to our Year 6 page. We are looking forward to sharing what your child will be learning this academic year and sharing ideas on how you can support your child at home.
Our Year 6 Staff
Mr A Hunter – Teacher and Deputy Head
Mrs K Quill – Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Wood - Teaching Student
Year 6 2024/25
Class Timetable
Visits and Visitors
We have a strong belief that it is the experiences which our pupils experience which will drive their passion for learning and ambitions for the future. By giving a broad range of learning experiences, our children benefit from learning from those with a huge range of knowledge and experiences to share, whilst also giving them a hook which draws them in to their topic or subject. Experiences enjoyed by the children this year:
Autumn Term
Stem Fest at the Beacon of Light
STEMFEST in space virtual online event
Careers' week
Dental Nurse
Garage owner
Sweet shop owner
Science Teacher
Volunteer Nurse
Father Lloyd - Christingle service
Panto at Empire Theatre
Spring Term
Vertu Motor Arena
Eden Camp
Summer Term