Welcome to Plains Farm Academy Website Plains Farm Academy Vision:
At Plains Farm Academy, we provide a broad, balanced, rich, varied and stimulating, creative curriculum which motivates, challenges and inspires all to have the highest aspirations and standards, ensuring excellence for everyone on their learning journey enabling them to reach their full potential as responsible citizens. Our safe, secure and nurturing environment encourages all to be caring, honest and happy individuals who have tolerance and respect for all within school and the wider community. We strive to ensure all learners are reflective, demonstrate resilience and are independent within their own successes and enjoy their journey with us at Plains Farm Academy.
Lesley Cassidy - Headteacher
For any queries please feel free to contact our Head Teacher Miss L A Cassidy, SENDCO Mr A Hunter or our School Business Manager Mrs M Barrass on:
(0191) 520 3109
or email: