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Plains Farm Academy

Plains Farm Academy is the heart of the Plains Farm community and offers a safe, secure and nurturing environment to learn.

Anti-Bullying Team

Welcome to Plains Farm Academy’s Anti-Bullying Team page. 

We will update our page with the latest anti-bullying news and special events that are being held in school to support our drive against bullying in our school community.

We have one clear and simple message: bullying is not welcome at Plains Farm Academy and all children and staff will work together to make sure our aim is met.


Anti-Bullying Team:



Mr A Hunter – Anti-Bullying Lead

Mrs L Walker – Anti-Bullying Lead TA

Mr S Ruffell – Link Anti-Bullying Governor


Our History:

Our team was first founded in 2017 and since then, we have worked hard to create a safe haven in school where our message that bullying is not welcome here is clear.

The Anti-Bullying Team is made up of two children from every class across school. We meet weekly to discuss any issues and ideas to continue working towards our shared aim.

Our team met early in the school year to discuss a whole school definition of bullying. They then produced our children’s definition and shared this with the rest of the school during an Anti-Bullying Assembly in September.

During play times and lunch times, the children who make up the Anti-Bullying Team are visible by their bright blue high-viz waistcoats. They assemble by the Buddy bench and are there to help during these times. The team help set up games, and if anyone needs a listening ear, they are there to help and advise.

Around school we have developed Buddy Boxes where the children can put in ideas, suggestions or ask for advice. Every Tuesday, the Anti-Bullying Team and School Council have a whole school assembly and any issues or concerns raised are shared, along with tips and advice.


In March 2019, our Anti-Bullying Team won an award for The Most Active Anti-Bullying Team. We went to the Civic Centre in Sunderland and were presented our award by the Mayor, Sunderland Anti-Bullying Team and Simon Marshall (Director of Education). Our award is proudly situated by our Anti-Bullying board in our school entrance.