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Plains Farm Academy home page

Plains Farm Academy

Plains Farm Academy is the heart of the Plains Farm community and offers a safe, secure and nurturing environment to learn.


Welcome to our EYFS page. We are looking forward to sharing what your child will be learning this academic year and sharing ideas on how you can support your child at home.  


Our EYFS team:

Miss O Oughton – Reception Teacher and EYFS Lead

Mrs Cowley - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Poulton - Teaching Assistant

Miss Hayley - Teaching Assistant 

Welcome back EYFS! Your teachers are blown away by how well you have all settled into your new classes, we are so proud of you all! We have had a busy day exploring the classroom and we look forward to seeing your smiling faces tomorrow.


Nursery and Reception

Visits and Visitors


We have a strong belief that it is the experiences which our pupils experience which will drive their passion for learning and ambitions for the future. By giving a broad range of learning experiences, our children benefit from learning from those with a huge range of knowledge and experiences to share, whilst also giving them a hook which draws them in to their topic or subject. This year, EYFS will experience : 


Forest School - All year 


Autumn Term

Police visit - Careers Week 

Firefighter and truck - Careers Week 

Nurse - Careers Week

Architect - Careers Week

Father Lloyd - Christingle

Walk to Church 


 Spring Term

Local walks

 Farm trip


Summer Term

 Local walks

Trip to the beach