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Plains Farm Academy home page

Plains Farm Academy

Plains Farm Academy is the heart of the Plains Farm community and offers a safe, secure and nurturing environment to learn.

Out of school childcare information

Extended School


Breakfast club and Afterschool club

Our breakfast and afterschool club are run on a pay in advance system.

Any parents requiring places for their child/ren must contact the office at the beginning of each half term to confirm they require use of the facilities during that period. (Weekly sessions can then be confirmed the week before to accommodate shift patterns). The reason this applies is due to staffing and food quantities required for each day.


Charges per hour:

Our breakfast club runs from 7:50am until 8:50am in the morning at a charge of £3.50 a session.

Our afterschool club runs from 3:15pm until 4:45pm (Mon to Thurs) at a charge of £3.50 per hour or £5 for the whole session and includes a snack.


Booking in advance:

All parents/carers MUST book their children into the club by 2pm on Friday, the week before the sessions are required by making payment online. 


Extended School deeply appreciates parents/carers support in administering the above guidelines and wish to extend our gratitude to your contribution, which enables the extended school to operate successfully.



Afterschool Clubs – Under review







Choir - KS2




Year 6 Football

